Welcome to the website of ČEŠI pro SÝRII, a humanitarian initiative.
We help the most vulnerable victims of wars and try to make their lives easier.
We are a small non-profit organisation, which was established in response to the Syrian refugee crisis and the largely negative attitude to refugees from the public and political representatives in the Czech Republic at that time. We aim to provide an effective way to alleviate some of the despair and hopelessness which impact the lives of those who are forced to flee from their homes.

Trauma-Proofing Syrian Children
A program for parents, teachers, social workers and caregivers. It is co-funded by the Erasmus Program of the European Commission. The project was later extended to child refugees from other countries
Refugee children are frightened because they have seen and experienced things that are difficult to handle even for adults.
We are helping parents and those who are closest to the children to be able to help.
Our written materials offer information, advice and activities that help children release the grip and energy of trauma.
They were written in a way so that they can be used without further professional support.
You can also make a small contribution. Your compassion and generosity will allow us to help vulnerable children by empowering their loved ones.