Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection
I. Basic provisions
- The personal data administrator under Par. 4, ad 7) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and the European Council No. 2016/679 on The Protection of Natural Persons regarding the Processing of Personal Data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) is a Czech company, Češi pro Sýrii, z. s., Cimburkova 916/8, 130 00 Praha – Žižkov (hereinafter referred to as “the Administrator”).
- The administrator’s contact information is: e-mail: info@cesiprosyrii.org
- The personal data that we process include those that you yourself provide to for the purpose of issuing a Donation Contract: name and surname, e-mail, address.
- Your data is treated with respect.
- The Administrator did not appoint a personal data protection officer.
II. Sources and categories of processed personal data
- The administrator processes the personal data you have provided to him/her.
- The administrator processes your contact information.
III. Legal reason for processing personal data
- The legal reason for processing your personal data is issuing the relevant Donation Contract.
- You are entitled to revoke this consent at any time at info@cesiprosyrii.org.
IV. How long is your personal data kept?
The Administrator keeps your personal data until the consent is revoked, but no longer than 5 years.
V. Who has access to personal data?
- Your personal data is always treated with respect and dignity; we do not transfer or disclose it to third parties.
- Only members of the registered association Češi pro Sýrii, z.s., have access to your personal data.
- All processing of your personal data will be carried out in the European Union, primarily in the Czech Republic.
VI. Your rights
- Under the conditions stipulated under GDPR, you have: • The right to access your personal data according to Par. 15 of GDPR,
- The right to rectify your personal data according to Par. 16 of GDPR, or to restrict its processing according to Par. 18 of GDPR,
- The right to erase your personal data according to Par. 17 of GDPR,
- The right to object to the data processing according to par. 21 of GDPR,
- The right to data portability according to Par. 20 of GDPR,
- The right to withdraw your consent to the data processing in writing or electronically to the address or email address of the Administrator given in Article III of these Terms and Conditions.
- You also have the right to file a complaint with the Office for the Protection of Personal Data if you believe that your right to the protection of personal data has been violated.
VII. Terms of securing the personal data
- The administrator declares that he/she has taken all appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure personal data.
- The administrator has taken technical measures to secure data stores and personal data stores in paper form, in particular the password protection and encryption.
- The administrator declares that only persons authorized by him/her have access to the personal data.
VIII. Final provisions
- By sending your data to Češi pro Sýrii to issue the Donation Contract, you confirm that you are familiar with The Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection and that you accept them in their entirety.
- The Administrator is authorized to change these conditions. He/she will publish the new version of the Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection on its websites and at the same time will send the new version of these conditions to your e-mail address, which you have provided to the Administrator.